Twitter Categorising Users
25th October 2012
This amused me - I'm fairly easily amused.
I saw an abusive tweet about Alex Salmond today - when I say abusive, it described him using what is commonly though of as the worst word in the English language.
Anyway, it got me wondering, do other leaders get the same treatment? My theory was that Alex Salmond gets more of this sort of thing than others, mainly because he's so popular and therefore brings out more hatred from those who oppose him. So I searched on Twitter for 'Salmond C***' and found quite a few. I then searched for 'Cameron C***', expecting fewer if my theory was correct. However, I'd say the amounts were pretty much the same, though of course other factors like the number of people who've heard of each of them would need to be taken into account.
Interestingly though, when I searched for 'Salmond C***' I got the following.

However, the search for 'Cameron C***' gave a slightly different format. Twitter would seem to associate David Cameron with the word C****.

"Och", you say, "that's just because he's better known than Alex Salmond". Well, I though maybe, so I ran the following searches.
- 'Obama C***'
- 'Blair C***'
- 'Osborne C***'
- 'Savile C***'
- 'Gaga C***'
- 'Bieber C***'
- 'Fry C***'
- 'Terry C***'
Not a single one of them brought up that personality's profile.
Any ideas?